Winter Shoes & Belt → Bright Colored Belt + Bold Casual Shoes
Transition your look from winter spring changing out your boots, or dark leather oxfords and changing to a brighter suede loafer or driver in blue, green, red or yellow. This freshens a winter look for spring. White fashion sneakers give a casual cool vibe for spring with jeans, chino’s or suits.

Dark Denim → White or Light Jeans
Dark denim gives a polished vibe for winter but freshen up your look for spring 2017 wearing light color denim or white jeans to instantly enlighten your outfits.

Dark Winter Suits → Light, Bright Fabric Suits
Change your dark wool, heavy navy’s and gray’s to softer, brighter hues and fabrics. Sapphire blue, light gray, khaki are sexy spring suiting colors. Linen, cotton blends, and woven suits give a lighter feel for spring.

Dark Trousers → Light Color or White Pants
From office to evening escalate your style for spring changing out dark colored trousers or suit pants for white or light colored pants, such as light gray or sky blue.

Shop Men’s Spring Essentials: