Make Your Closet Work for You
Do you look into your bursting closet and think..."I have nothing to wear"? Your closet is full of clothing or you've minimized so much that you don't have the essential pieces to get dressed every day. Without having a strategy in place for what is in your closet, you'll forever be gazing listlessly at your wardrobe. Remember, you are most successful when you go into stores to shop knowing what styles you like, colors, prints, or pieces that you need to create outfits. If you endlessly just purchase "fun items" you see, then nothing comes together minus an empty wallet.
Mimicked Pieces
If your closet is full of the exact same style t-shirt, top, pants or denim, then you need to evaluate. Pull out all similar pieces. Look at each and remember why you bought them, how you felt, and do you really need 3, 6, or however many of the exact same black pants, blue shirts, etc.

Clothes that Don't Fit
Yes weight fluctuates but your closet should only contain pieces that fit you properly and work well for your body. Stop holding on to the jeans you wore in your skinny days, or a favorite dress that only works in Miami or Vegas in your teens.
One-Off Pieces
The clothing pieces you wore one time, maybe for a special occasion such as your prom, high school or college reunion, a special trip you went on and wore a Hawaiian dress or Kimono. All those items, while holding a special memory...DO NOT need to hold space in your closet. If you want to keep them, box them up in an air tight bag and put them under your bed packed away. Leave space for

New With Tags, But Never Worn
Pieces you bought that looked great in the store, but you've never worn, don't really look good on you, or you bought on a whim and go with nothing in your wardrobe or lifestyle. PURGE IT!
Accessories Gone Wild
We've all been there. You are vacationing, shopping with friends, or got that unexpected bonus check. You shopped and bought the most amazing... handbag, pair of high heels, or necklace that you had ever seen. Yet you go home, and that instant rush from buying something fabulous is gone. Now the purse just isn't the right size, color, fit for you. The heels are too high to walk in and that necklace just screams avant garde in not a good way. Consign, give to a friend, or donate those accessories. While the vacation memory will always remain, the remnants in your closet need not.

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